The SWOOORD is drawn from the stone!

Welcome to SWOOORDPLAY! The blog that had to add two extra Os because Swordplay was already taken and the blogger didn’t want to spend any more time than they already had thinking of a new name when they could just make the title they already had sound a little more dramatic.

My mission here at Silly Anagram is pretty simple. I’ll be doing a boatload of Speculation, but even when I’m not, the blog will be still always have some form of Writing to it. You’ll undoubtedly be seeing a lot of Overthinking, and with that, Overanalyzing is sure to follow, but don’t be surprised if even someone as enthusiastic as I ends up Overlooking things on occasion.

At times, I’ll also just be Relaxing and doing a little goofing off on here, but all the while, I’ll be Discussing all of this and more with whoever stumbles upon this blog by means of simply continuing to blog about it all.

I also plan to have some fun with all of this, hence the play. Oh, and the blog will likely primarily focus on video games, at least as I imagine anyway, so there’s a little double entendre going on there.

Pretty straightforward, right?

Now, I’d like to think my pointing out that SWOOORDPLAY functions just as well as WOOORDS PLAY, and my pointing that out is a great example of my playing with words, in turn making this a fantastic pun with multiple layers to it, but… I think that might use up all the forgivable lame jokes I’ll be allowed for the year if I did.

Good thing I didn’t actually do any of that, huh?

Instead, let’s get on that first proper blog!

Until then!

*The Super Wordy Overthinking Overanalyzing Overlooking Relaxing Discussing Speculating Man

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